Release Note
Landing Zone Release Notes
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.3.0
Release date: 2024-07-05
Support for Export Control module:
- Force resource location in a Landing Zone
- Deny Global Azure Resources (not scoped to a region), like FrontDoor, Cross Region Load Balancer, …
- Enforce Export Control Tagging at Landing Zone Level
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.2.0
Release date: 2024-03-26
- [Security] Microsoft Defender For Storage Landing Zone core service implementation
- [Security] Diagnostic settings Landing Zone core service implementation
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.1.0
Release date: 2024-01-30
- [Internal] Certificate management DU integration
- [Security] DCR improvements
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.0.6
Release date: 2023-10-16
- [Security] Fix westeurope Azure region for SOC Data Collection Rule.
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.0.5
Release date: 2023-10-11
- [Logs] AKS diagnostic settings removal
Landing Zone with Corporate Addon Release Notes
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.5.0
Release date: 2024-07-04
Support for DNS Regionalization (Europe / Asia) in Landing Zones
Support for Export Control module:
- Force resource location in a Landing Zone
- Deny Global Azure Resources (not scoped to a region), like FrontDoor, Cross Region Load Balancer, …
- Enforce Export Control Tagging at Landing Zone Level
New hardened resources:
- Azure Container service
- Azure Kubernetes service
- Azure App service
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.4.1
Release date: 2024-03-26
- [Security] Fix westeurope Azure region for SOC Data Collection Rule.
- [Security] Microsoft Defender For Storage Landing Zone core service implementation
- [Security] Diagnostic settings Landing Zone core service implementation
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.4.0
Release date: 2024-01-30
- [Security] DCR improvements
- [Security] MDE custom initiative assignment
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.3.2
Release date: 2023-09-28
- [Monitoring] Thresholds definition and queries simplification
- [Code] Bug fix when alert definition already exists
- [Internal] Policies and role assignments cleanup and fixes
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.2.0
Release date: 2023-08-23
- [Security] Adding Data Collection Rule for SOC sink
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.1.0
Release date: 2023-07-28
- [Internal] Externalizing the tfstates for Landing Zones with Corporate Addon as well
Infrastructure Landing Zone 2.0.0
Release date: 2023-06-06
Feature: Business Zone
[Business Zones] Adding Data Collection Rule for shared subscription
[Business Zones] Adding Shared Log Analytics workspace configuration
[Security] Removing legacy OMS agent
[Internal] Introducing a blueprint dedicated to the deployment of VM agents
[Code] Diagnostics DU Refactoring
Infrastructure Landing Zone 1.5.0
Release date: 2023-05-22
- [Security] Security baseline fixes
Infrastructure Landing Zone 1.4.0
Release date: 2023-03-26
- [Security] Azure SQL database security enforcement
- [Security] use of NSG for every subnet made optional
Infrastructure Landing Zone 1.3.0
Release date: 2023-03-23
- [Internal] Moving network rules to a Network rules blueprint
- [Internal] Adding policies cleanup for Private Bastion subnets with NSG
- [Code] Cleanup
Infrastructure Landing Zone 1.2.0
Release date: 2023-02-08
- [Network] Private bastion subnet removal
Infrastructure Landing Zone 1.1.0
Release date: 2023-02-08
- [Security] Security baseline update
- [Security] change public access to container to deny
- [Security] Revert disable public blob in anonymous.
- [Security] Block Storage Account with public containers.
- [Internal] Remove Storage Account strict enforcements
- [Internal] Fixes and cleanup